

my soft son, i have loved and missed him an indescribable amount ((full transcript under the cut))

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In celebration of the news of Oklahoma! transferring from it’s critically acclaimed run off bway, here’s ALI STROKER as ADO ANNIE WHO STOLE THE WHOLE SHOW! She was absolutely hilarious, a fantastic singer with an amazing character voice, and commanded the room with all her choreo!


If you didn’t know, Ali Stroker was the 1st person in a wheelchair to star on Broadway when she starred as Anna in Deaf West Spring Awakening and I’m so excited for her to come back! Here’s to Ali for best featured actress!

***pls don’t post this audio outside of tumblr/repost thanks***










This was recorded by the Portsmouth Sinfonia in an experiment where
all the members of the orchestra would swap instruments with each other
and attempt to play them to the best of their ability.

favorite things about this

  • literally all the brass starts to get the hang of it and then
    the crescendos happen and everyone is like FUCK FUCK FUCK??? FUCK. JUST.
  • the strings are lazy but also the same. like u can tell a lot of the
    ppl w/ the stringed instruments may already basically know how to play
    stringed instruments. like there’s definitely a section at the beginning
    where you hear a good portion going “oh yeah this is like. a
    smaller/bigger version of what i do.”
  • all you hear of any woodwinds is just “pffffttt??? pFFFTTTT????
    PFFFFFTTTT I SAID PFFFFTTTT!!!!!” bc woodwinds are fucking HARD and you
    hear after like the first crescendo half of them just give up. they give
    up. they’re done. fuck this it tastes weird and my lips hurt.
  • that trumpet. that person is fucking TRYING man they fucking GOT
    this. they may not have figured out notes but they figured out LOUD and
    they GOT this.







This is legitimately the funniest thing that has ever happened on MBMBAM


Brothers: Brooks.
Brooks: So, uh, my question is: my boyfriend keeps on going into the pantry and grabbing handfuls of fettuccine– [audience laughs] uncooked–
Griffin: I would hope he’s not grabbing handfuls of cooked fettuccine, Brooks.
Travis: In your pantry!
Brooks: –and eating them raw. And he keeps calling them chips?
Justin: Okay.
[audience laughs]
Brooks: How do I make him stop?
Travis: Is your boyfriend here?
Brooks: Yeah.
Travis: You’re a monster. [audience laughs] Words mean things!
Griffin: Does anybody remember– [clears throat] I haven’t been to Olive Garden in many moons, but they do have, like, a little, like, fettuccine bottle that you can just grab them out and chew–  hold on, was this a prank you guys pulled on me when we went to Olive Garden as kids!? [audience laughs, Justin quietly snickers] No, stop! Everybody shut up! Do they give you fettu– raw fettuccine to chew on in the lobby of the Olive Garden?
[Audience, shouting: No!]
Griffin: You [stutters] fuckin’ bastards!
Travis, shouting: YEAHHHHHHHH! [audience cheering]
Justin: The prestige! [Travis laughs]
Travis: Now you have IBS! We got him!
Griffin: [crosstalk] I didn– What I need you– Brooks, we’ll get back to you– what I need you two to understand is that was not the only time I went to Olive Garden. There were– [breaks in embarrassment]
Travis: Were there never employees around!? Like– [Justin laughs loudly]
Griffin: I– I, wanting to seem like an authentic metropolitan diner, would always grab the fettuccine and walk over to my friends, like, “mm, yeah, I’m a little– little peckish.” [Justin and Travis laugh]
Justin: Griffin, as a–
Griffin: I fucking can’t believe– I can’t believe you did that and I can’t believe literally I’m finding out in the worst imaginable venue. 
Justin: Speaking as a former Olive Garden employee, there is– if I saw a little kid eating fettu– raw fettuccine? The odds of me stopping them are negative 1000 percent.
Griffin: Okay, Brooks.
Justin: Brooks!
Griffin: Yeah, so I’m gonna sit this one out, Brooks.
Travis: Wait–
Justin: Brooks, is it possible that your boyfriend has been laboring under the same delusion as my brother for all these years? [crosstalk, unintelligible] Oh, they sell this for you to take home? Okay, well, fancy for myself then.
Travis: Brooks, is it possible your boyfriend does not believe these are chips, but instead likes to annoy you by calling them chips, a thing I– not exactly that, but similar– do to my wife all the time. [audience laughs]
Griffin: Is it possible, boyfriend, loves chips. And you never have chips, and this is his way of passive aggressively [audience laughs] sort of guilting you into go– “MM, these are tasty chips!” And as a raw fettuccine eater myself, I can tell you it’s not a– it’s not a good chew. You do it– you put it in your mouth, and your six-year-old brain thinks “it’ll turn to fettuccine in the heat of your mouth.” It doesn’t work like that! It doesn’t work like that! Just doesn’t work like that.
Justin, softly: Brooks?]