

“Well, uh… hi. My name is Lucretia and uhh…I’ll be the chronicler on this journey, which means that i’m going to write down everything that happens uhh… up there!”

Companion Piece to this: [link]

[image description: a drawing of Lucretia, standing on a platform in front of the IPRE logo, framed on either side by red curtains. She’s a thin dark-complexioned woman with short white hair. She’s wearing a red robe over a long-sleeve yellow shirt and long orange skirt. She’s holding a journal to her chest and raising one finger with a smile.]



A drawing for @ishtargoestowar

Hope you like it ❤

[image description: a drawing of Lucretia against a white background. She’s a slender dark-complexioned woman with very short white hair. She’s wearing a dark blue robe over a blue gown, and holding a white staff in one hand. Her head is turned to the side and she’s frowning slightly.]



youre all fools. lucretia is probably 50-60 and a black woman. who else is 60 and a black woman?? angela bassett. lucretia literally probably looks like this.

[image description: three pictures of angela bassett, a dark skinned black woman with long black curly hair, smooth skin, and incredible cheekbones. she is at three different red carpet events.

the first, she poses with a hand on her hip. she’s wearing a royal blue chiffon jacket with fur sleeves draped over her shoulders, a black coset top, and royal blue pants. she also has dangling silver earrings and two turquoise rings. the second she has her lips pursed, large pale gold earrings on and a yellow pantsuit. it is semi-transparent around the collar with yellow short tassle-like ribbing. below it has silk thread skirting, coming at another transparent tassle-ribbed section. in the last, she’s wearing dangling earrings and a silver space themed detailed dress with semi-transparent black fabric, some silver zigzag designs on her upper arms, shoulders, ribs, and coming from her midsection to her ships. she’s smiling. /end id]



I love you, Magnus, I love all of you- I’m sorry

[image description: a drawing of Lucretia, standing and facing the viewer with her back to a large, dark tank containing an enormous jelly fish. Lucretia is a thin, dark-complexioned woman with short, curly white hair, wearing a red IPRE jacket and white pants. She’s hugging a journal to her chest, looking distressed as tears run down her cheeks. Behind her, the voidfish glows purple and blue, with a galaxy pattern inside its bell. It’s ripping apart a journal, the pages floating in the water.]


This is my absolute favorite moment from The Adventure Zone

The Director: I don’t expect any gifts from you. I’m you’re employer; frankly that would be, umm.

Magnus : I hand her a coupon for one free back rub.

The Director: This is exactly what I was actually afraid of. This is actually. Magnus. This is the nightmare scenario. 


I honestly think one of Griffin’s greatest feats in the entire Balance campaign was his writing of Lucretia. I can’t think of any other example where a woman- let alone an older black woman- is written as both entirely competent but also incredibly flawed.

She makes mistakes, really bad ones, but these mistakes are well intentioned. Her fundamental flaw is that she cares so much for people, especially her friends, that she doesn’t think to ask them for help. She is stubborn and prideful and often unthinking but ultimately she is selfless. She doomed herself to what she thought would be perpetual loneliness because she thought that it was the right thing to do for the greater good.

It would have been so easy for Griffin to make her into a flat villain, the kind of “I know what’s best for you, don’t get in my way” kind of villain that’s so common in media. But instead he turned her into a hero that’s earnestly trying, but failing. Her arc, maybe even more so than Magnus’ experience with the Power Bear, shows that true strength comes in being able to feel humility and ask for help. As someone who really struggles with allowing vulnerability to overcome pride, I just really connect with her and I’m really grateful to Griffin for not taking the easy way out when it came to her character.



this took so long please have it

[Start ID: The Adventure Zone fanart showing Lucretia. A dark-skinned woman with white hair pulled back into a bun. She’s wearing a long blue dress, white shoes and holding a white staff. She’s down on her knees her dress flying around her and a scared expression on her face holding the staff tightly and around her is a almost translucent bubble surrounded by Inky black tendrils with veins of red, yellow, and green that fall to the floor. /End ID]