






Alright ladies we need another lesbian icon aside Thor so i present:

T’challa, king of the lesbians

Alright when thors called a lesbo icon its okay but when its tchalla, the second man we are claiming its suddenly “enough” what?? Hmm i smell racism

Yall white lesbians are mad about this post please spread this around more

Aneka and Ayo are former Dora Milaje that are a couple in the comics. So this is basically canon.

Thor: dumb sports lesbians who love beer and brawling. Bad at fashion and talking to girls

T’challa: refined combat lesbians who love trees and dancing under the moonlight. Excellent at talking to girls and being fashionable without trying.

The dichotomy we need

#excuse u thor is great at talking to girls and t’challa literally can’t talk to his crush

exactly, thor attracts hopeless lesbians who desperately want advice from this Smooth Motherfucker and t’challa attracts smooth lesbians who like, see this trash pile and are like “he’s the worst we need to help him”

I say Thor is the butch lesbian and T’challa the femme 




if a4 has steve sacrificing himself again, that’s the pinnacle of lazy writing. it’s not character growth, it’s stagnation. all they’ve ever used steve’s character for is as the answer to a call to arms for fights that were never his to begin with, but which needed a leader and he was the one who was conveniently there. he wants to fight bullies, i understand that; he wants to fight for those who can’t, i get that. but to cheapen steve’s character and lessen him to only this, to only trite & repeated storylines as if this is the whole of who he is, is so boring.

steve has had so many experiences with death, the deaths of others and his own: why is it so hard to comprehend that this time around, it might be worth letting steve live? and not just live for the good of others so he can keep fighting for them – why is steve surviving and learning to live for himself such a foreign & unacceptable concept? if all the other avengers can have lives outside of avenging and outside of fighting, why can’t he?


Literally nothing about Steve’s death can possibly be satisfying, no matter how heroic, no matter how grand, and however many manly tears will drop while he dies. Steve’s been trying for a heroic death since day one, and since when has “character has finally done what he thought he wanted” a satisfying ending? His death would be an exercise in nihilism, a sad soldier, ending his sad life, barely having lived in the first place.

y e s, especially that last bit. it’s so easy to forget that underneath the myth of captain america, steve rogers was just 26 when he’s thawed out in 2012; and if it weren’t for his mantle or his shield, he would’ve been able to experience the future the way a young man in his prime should. the new art supplies he could be using & the new artists he could be discovering; the history he could be learning that didn’t have to do with wars or their aftermaths; the museums he could be visiting and the charities he could be working with; all the movies he could catch up on and new foods he could try – he doesn’t get a chance to really accept or internalise any of that, to really figure out what his place in this new world is, because his whole life in the future is avengers / SHIELD / new avengers / on the run before it all comes down to thanos in wakanda.

it’s disappointing that though we know steve is a good man and not a perfect soldier, all we see is the soldier and we barely know the man, not least because that man didn’t even get a chance to know himself.




Wish we got an actual cap 3 where we could have dealt with the political ramifications of large scale infiltration of a secret nazi sect into world government and military officials but tony stark had to bust in with his aou guilt

i meaaaannn, civil war is pretty much what happened in the comics but go off i guess lmao

Comics Civil war was a marvel spanning event that if it was adapted should have happened in a avengers movie-not leaving cap’s trilogy incomplete and giving Steve rogers less screentime in his own movie then tony stark

Also the events leading up to and during civil war were almost completely different from what happened in cacw if you want to talk about fidelity to the comics very little of what happened in comics civil war is how any of it happened in cacw.

And the fact that they were talking about putting the avengers under the control of a man who was literally cited in Incredible Hulk for experimenting to create supersoldiers on unwilling subjects-

What about the fact that there was a mass conspiracy led by a secret nazi sect to take over the world makes the next story in the series about acquiescing to whatever those governments want to use you to do or be extrajudicially imprisoned, and potentially experimented on?


Steve Extra™


  • runs through walls and tears down whole buildings instead of wasting time to open a door
  • punches computers when they say things he doesn’t like 
  • jumps out of airplanes without parachutes to be a show off
  • is always Down to Die™

  • squeezes himself and his two best friends into a fucking vw bug
  • had peggy carter, one of the loves of his life, one of the founders of SHIELD, a gift to the world, on her death bed say “you’re always so dramatic”
  • back flips off of insanely high heights and hopes for the best
  • removes avengers label from uniform to be petty