


i put “All I Want for Christmas is You” through a MIDI converter, and then back through an mp3 converter

the result is this garbage

I’m driving myself up the wall because I swear I can hear the vocal line but I don’t know how that could be if it was truly converted to MIDI. Unless you can replicate speech sounds entirely with modulated MIDI notes, in which case I’m actually impressed with this tire fire of an MP3.






Y’all need to stop saying shit like “songs with the same bpm”

Beats per minute is a unit. The word you’re looking for is tempo.

If two songs have the same tempo, their bpm are equivalent.

You wouldn’t say two people of the same height have “the same inches.” You would say height. So stop saying two songs have “the same bpm” when you can just say tempo

I’m an assistant band director don’t argue with me

I have a music degree and taught for over a decade. You can say BPM or tempo it’s basically all the same. Don’t let the classical music snobs get you down

Oh no, I made a post voicing a pet peeve of mine and suddenly I’m a “classical music snob” even though I’ve been playing baroque flute for over a decade professionally…

Yeah I mean… Well there it is


“Empty Chairs at Empty Tables” – The Bro Edition

Inspired by this exchange:



imagine if instead of singing ‘friends’ in empty chairs at empty tables marius just sang ‘bros’

#where my bros will sing no more#oh my bros#my broOOOOOOSx

Enjoy my bros and bro-ettes.




So my friend is an acting major looking to get into broadway stuff, so she’s been doing a lot of voice training. Usually she does covers of broadway songs, but sometimes she gets bored and decides to sing other things.

She did a cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and her voice coach liked it so much he liked mixed it and everything and it sounds great.

wait that was fucked
