

The candlenights liveshow saved my life

[image: an illustration of Merle, Magnus and Taako in a blizzard. Merle, a tan dwarf with white hair and beard, is on the left, holding a Santa’s hat and looking very serious. He’s wearing a green cloak, small glasses, and mittens, and there are little flowers in his beard and hair. Magnus is standing in the middle. He has brown hair and sideburns, and is wearing armor and a red bandana around his neck. He’s looking at Taako curiously and asking, “Taako, do you want to be Santa?” Taako is on the right, wearing a wizard’s hat and matching cape covered in little gold stars. He has brown skin, chin-length blonde hair, and is wearing a red blouse and high-waisted jeans. His eyes are closed and he has one hand on his hip as he answers, “I’m not a bear.”]



This broke my heart so much. I’m still not over Johann and I never will be…also if Fisher dies? I’ll throw down…

[image description: a dark, mostly achromatic drawing of Magnus from the waist up as he faces away from the viewer. He’s a broad man with short dark hair and thick sideburns. There’s a small, glowing jelly fish perched on his shoulder with a swirling green and purple galaxy pattern inside its bell, and a much larger jelly fish lying on the floor in front of them, a split across its bell. One of its tendrils is draped across the body of Johann, and there’s wreckage all around.]



“Well, uh… hi. My name is Lucretia and uhh…I’ll be the chronicler on this journey, which means that i’m going to write down everything that happens uhh… up there!”

Companion Piece to this: [link]

[image description: a drawing of Lucretia, standing on a platform in front of the IPRE logo, framed on either side by red curtains. She’s a thin dark-complexioned woman with short white hair. She’s wearing a red robe over a long-sleeve yellow shirt and long orange skirt. She’s holding a journal to her chest and raising one finger with a smile.]



Taako possessing the Wonderland mannequins and making them attack their creators was a TASTY POWER MOVE

[image description: a drawing of Taako, standing on a circular stage and facing the viewer with an intense smile on his face. He’s a thin dark-complexioned elf with a long blond braid over his shoulder. His hands are wreathed in purple flame, and purple smoke is coming out of his visible eye. He’s wearing a dark wizard hat, the brim of which covers one eye, a teal cape that flares out behind him, a blue long-sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a red sash around his waist, dark pants and knee-high boots. Wooden mannequins are climbing onto the stage on either side of him. Each of them has a single glowing purple eye.]



guys the TAZ candlenights live show for 2018 was so good

[id: a four panel comic of Angus McDonald from The Adventure Zone. He is a dark-skinned boy with big round glasses and a sweater that’s a little too big for him, and he’s holding a toy in his hands. The toy is of Jeff Angel, an aarakocra wearing shorts with a halo over his head, that’s melted in some places and the limbs are slightly skewed. Angus is looking at it with skepticism.

The next panel shows Taako, Magnus and Merle. Taako is a dark skinned elf who’s hat is severly singed. Magnus is an east asian man with a black eye and bloodied clothes. Merle is a tan skinned dwarf with some blood on his clothes and messed-up hair. They are all looking at angus with worry and hope.

The next panel shows Angus, holding the toy and looking slightly stunned. In th enext panel, he holds the toy close to his chest, smiles and says “it’s perfect.”]