
What really bothers me is that staff thinks it needs to make this site “safe for children” like have you seen this place? Get rid of the pedophiles and child porn by all means please, make it safe for teens sure, but no 9 year old should be using tumblr so I think you’re in the clear there. I don’t get it like what did staff just wake up one morning, and look at this site like



im not gonna like stop using this site or anything but i can pretty confidently say this is one of the dumbest moves ive seen a site make in a while. instead of fixing the actual problems with their website ie pornbots on every fucking post, actual pedophiles, theyre just going to ban everything horny which most likely isnt going to solve those problems and is going to hurt lots of sex workers and artists as well as drive people off the site


like I go on social media platforms sometimes, and I’ll put up with anything. i’ll log on to some garbage website, i don’t wanna name an actual website so let’s just make one up. let’s call it “tumblr”. so i’ll log onto tumblr and i’ll go, “can you ban all the porn bots?” and they go, “no, we’re not gonna do anything about it” and I go, “okaaay!” and then I go watch something on netflix. and then i come back to tumblr and I go, “any updates?” and they go “yeah, we flagged a bunch of posts incorrectly and deleted blogs that had nothing to do with the porn bots. because we hate you. now take this pointless april fool’s gag that doesn’t matter, go fetch!” and I go “okaaay!” and I @ staff and go, “can I have my blog back please?“ and they go “NO!” and I go “okaaay!” and they go, “you’re a little naive user, aren’t you?” and I go “nooo,” and they go “SAY IT!” and I go “i’m a little naive user.“ and then I go over to the tumblr support link (which is an oxymoron) and I go, “can this please be a functioning website?” and they go “no! in fact, we’re gonna ban all nudity on this site indiscriminately! and we’re going to keep incorrectly flagging sfw posts with our shitty algorithm! and we’re not gonna do anything about the white nationalists!” and I go “why are you doing this to me?!” and they go, “because we’re tumblr staff, and life is a fucking nightmare!”