

The candlenights liveshow saved my life

[image: an illustration of Merle, Magnus and Taako in a blizzard. Merle, a tan dwarf with white hair and beard, is on the left, holding a Santa’s hat and looking very serious. He’s wearing a green cloak, small glasses, and mittens, and there are little flowers in his beard and hair. Magnus is standing in the middle. He has brown hair and sideburns, and is wearing armor and a red bandana around his neck. He’s looking at Taako curiously and asking, “Taako, do you want to be Santa?” Taako is on the right, wearing a wizard’s hat and matching cape covered in little gold stars. He has brown skin, chin-length blonde hair, and is wearing a red blouse and high-waisted jeans. His eyes are closed and he has one hand on his hip as he answers, “I’m not a bear.”]



guys the TAZ candlenights live show for 2018 was so good

[id: a four panel comic of Angus McDonald from The Adventure Zone. He is a dark-skinned boy with big round glasses and a sweater that’s a little too big for him, and he’s holding a toy in his hands. The toy is of Jeff Angel, an aarakocra wearing shorts with a halo over his head, that’s melted in some places and the limbs are slightly skewed. Angus is looking at it with skepticism.

The next panel shows Taako, Magnus and Merle. Taako is a dark skinned elf who’s hat is severly singed. Magnus is an east asian man with a black eye and bloodied clothes. Merle is a tan skinned dwarf with some blood on his clothes and messed-up hair. They are all looking at angus with worry and hope.

The next panel shows Angus, holding the toy and looking slightly stunned. In th enext panel, he holds the toy close to his chest, smiles and says “it’s perfect.”]



see u space horny boys……..

[image description: a drawing of Merle, Taako and Magnus standing in a row against a white background. Merle is a chubby dwarf with brown skin, white hair pulled into a bun, a white beard gathered into a ponytail and one wooden arm. He’s wearing an eyepatch, gold-framed glasses, a green tunic and yellow pants. He’s smiling and making a peace sign, holding a book under one arm. Taako is a skinny elf with brown skin, freckles, and an extremely long, thick blonde braid that touches the ground. He’s wearing a purple wizard hat, green cape, white short-sleeve shirt, short red skirt, ripped black tights and knee-high brown boots. He’s leaning forward on a folded red umbrella, smiling with his eyes closed and one hand on his hip. Magnus is a broad, muscular human with an olive complexion, short auburn hair and thick sideburns. He’s wearing a red bandanna around his neck, a white tank top, shoulder armor, a red sash around his waist, light pants and brown boots. He’s holding an ax over his shoulder and looking to the side with a big smile. “We won” is written in small font above them in quotes.]



makin their way downtown, walkin fast, spell slots blast , thezonecast doot d-doot doot 

it’s finally done y’all – the boys are complete and I am at peace. walk on you beautiful horny boys

[image description: a drawing of Magnus, Taako and Merle, walking in a line against a white background.

They’re all dressed in practical adventuring clothes with lots of gear strapped to their backs.

Magnus is a broad dark-complexioned human with black hair pulled into a short bun, thick sideburns, and many battle scars on his face and arms. He’s carrying a large battle ax over one shoulder and a goldfish in a globe on his belt. Taako is a thin elf with brown skin, a few freckles and a long blond braid down his back. He’s looking at an open journal and holding a pen to his mouth thoughtfully. Merle is a squat dwarf with dark brown skin, glasses, gray hair pulled back into a small braid and a long braided beard. One of his arms is made of twisting wood and he’s carrying a book with his other arm.]



I finished the Taako drawing, so now the set of these are complete! I wanted to illustrate some of my favorite quotes from the podcast, since they’ve continued to stick with me since I finished it :’)

[ID: A series of three drawings of characters from The Adventure Zone. The first features Taako, an Elven man with long braided blond hair. He is wearing a red robe with the IPRE insignia on it and is holding the Umbrastaff. His head is slightly bowed and his eyes are closed. Behind him is Lup, an Elven woman. She is facing away from the viewer and is wearing a red robe. She is holding out both hands to her sides and there are small flames above each hand. In the background there is a sun, a moon, and stars. Text above Taako’s head says “I have a beating heart”.

The next drawing features Magnus Burnsides, a human man pale skin and red hair. He has sideburns and a scar over one eye. He is wearing a red jacket with the IPRE insignia on it. Magnus is bowing his head slightly with his eyes closed. Magnus is holding Fisher, a small jellyfish creature, cradled in his arms. Behind Magnus is the Kodiak bear who is standing upright with his paws on Magnus’s shoulders. In the background there are small wooden ducks and music notes. Text above Magnus says “It’s not perfect but it’s the best I can do”.

The last drawing features Merle Highchurch, a dwarven man with a long white ponytail and a large white beard with pink flowers in it. Merle is wearing a red jacket with the IPRE insignia on it. He also has glasses. Merle is holding his hands folded in front of him like he’s praying. Behind him is John, a tall man with salt and pepper hair. There are cracks in his face through which a black substance with red, green, blue, and yellow spots are visible. John is looking over his shoulder down at Merle. In the background there are gold chess pieces as well as white eyes looking out from a black background. Text above Merle says “I choose joy”. /end ID]